(Added link for RAK833 LoRa Concentrator HAT)
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* General Information
* General Information
** [[IPv6]]
** [[IPv6|IPv6 - Internet Protocol Version 6]]
** [[Imaging_of_Windows_Based_Computers_using_DISM|Imaging Windows based Computers using DISM]]
** [[Imaging_of_Windows_Based_Computers_using_DISM|Imaging Windows based Computers using DISM]]
** [[Ubuntu14.04_Acer_Aspire_V5_571_Broadcom_BCM43228_WiFi|WiFi on ubuntu 14.04 using Broadcom BCM43228]]
** [[Watts_Cleaver_INPLUG| Watts Clever INPLUG Smart Plug]]
** [[TPLINK_Archer_T4U_RTL8812au_Linux_Drivers|TP-Link Archer T4U AC1200 Wireless Dual Band USB Adapter Linux Drivers]]
** [[DLINK_DWA-171_AC750_RTL8812au_Linux_Drivers|Dlink DWA-171 AC750 Wireless Dual Band USB Adapter Linux Drivers]]
** [[Setup_NFS_Server_RootNFS|Setup NFS Server for RootNFS]]
** [[Setup_TFTP_Server|Setup TFTP Server for booting Kernel Images]]
* Electronics
** [[LT8490_MPPT_Buck_Boost_Solar_Regulator| LT8490 MPPT Buck Boost Solar Regulator]]
** [[LT3652_Power_Tracking_2A_Battery_Charger_SLA_Lithium_MPPT| LT3652 Power Tracking 2A Battery Charger]]
** [[12V_7AH_SLA_Low_Voltage_Disconnect| 12V 7Ah SLA Low Voltage Disconnect]]
**[[WD2002SJ_LTC3780_Synchronous_Buck_Boost_Converter_Ebay_Automatic_lifting_pressure| LTC3780 Synchronous Buck Boost Converter, VIN 5-32V VOUT 1-30V, 80W]]
** [[OV7670_Camera_Module_with_AL422_FIFO_Theory_of_Operation|OV7670 Camera Module with AL422 FIFO - Theory of Operation]]
** [[OV7670_Camera_Module_with_AL422_FIFO_Theory_of_Operation|OV7670 Camera Module with AL422 FIFO - Theory of Operation]]
** [[EDISON_12VDC_TO_220_380VDC_CONVERTER|EDISON: The 12VDC to 220-380VDC Converter]]
* 802.15.4 WPAN Radios
** [[Microchip_MRF24J40_Explorer_2.4GHz_Wireless_UART_Development_Kit_(GP-GC500)|Microchip MRF24J40 Explorer 2.4GHz Wireless UART Development Kit (GP-GC500)]]
** [[Microchip_MRF24J40_Explorer_2.4GHz_Wireless_UART_Development_Kit_(GP-GC500)|Microchip MRF24J40 Explorer 2.4GHz Wireless UART Development Kit (GP-GC500)]]
** [[Budget_802.15.4_6LoWPAN_Protocol_Analyser_using_Wireshark| Budget 802.15.4 6LoWPAN Protocol Analyser using Wireshark for the Internet of Things (IoT)]]
** [[Budget_802.15.4_6LoWPAN_Protocol_Analyser_using_Wireshark| Budget 802.15.4 6LoWPAN Protocol Analyser using Wireshark for the Internet of Things (IoT)]]
** [[Setup_NFS_Server_RootNFS|Setup NFS Server for RootNFS]]
** [[Setup_TFTP_Server|Setup TFTP Server for booting Kernel Images]]
* SensorTag (802.15.4 / BLE SoC)
** [[CC2650_SensorTag_BuildYourOwnDevPack|Build your own CC2650 SensorTag DevPack Notes]]
** [[6LOWPAN_Contiki_6lbr_SLIP_Radio_CC2650_SensorTag|Building 6LoWPAN Border Router using CC2650 SensorTag as SLIP-radio]]
** [[LoRaWAN_Mote_Firmware_Libraries| LoRaWAN Mote Firmware Libraries]]
** [[AU_915_928_The_Things_Network_Australia_Frequency_Plan|The Things Network Frequency Plan for Australia]]
** [[RAK833_LoRaWAN_Concentrator_Raspberry_PI| RAK833 LoRaWAN Concentrator Hat for Raspberry PI]]
* 433MHz Radios
* 433MHz Radios
** [[Reverse_engineering_the_RF_protocol_on_a_Kambrook_Power_Point_Controller| Reverse engineering the RF protocol on a Kambrook Power Point Controller]]
**[[Reverse_engineering_the_RF_protocol_on_a_Kambrook_Power_Point_Controller| Reverse engineering the 433MHz RF protocol on a Kambrook Power Point Controller]]
**[[Reverse_engineering_the_RF_protocol_on_a_4_outlet_powerboard|Reverse engineering the 433MHz RF protocol on a 4 outlet powerboard]]
* GuruPlug Server Plus
* GuruPlug Server Plus
** [[GuruPlug_Upgrading_uBoot|Upgrading U-Boot with Device Tree Support for the GuruPlug Server Plus]]
** [[GuruPlug_Upgrading_uBoot|Upgrading U-Boot with Device Tree Support for the GuruPlug Server Plus]]
** [[GuruPlug_Building_Kernel|Building the Linux Kernel with Device Tree Support for the GuruPlug Server Plus]]
** [[GuruPlug_Building_Kernel|Building the Linux Kernel with Device Tree Support for the GuruPlug Server Plus]]
** [[GuruPlug_Building_Embedbian_rootfs|Building an Emdebian (Embedded Debian) root filesystem for GuruPlug/armel]]
** [[GuruPlug_Building_RootFS|Creating an UBIFS Root Filesystem]]
** [[GuruPlug_Building_RootFS|Creating an UBIFS Root Filesystem]]
** [[GuruPlug_Flashing_Image|Saving Images to Flash]]
** [[GuruPlug_uBoot_USB_Commands|U-Boot USB Commands]]
** [[GuruPlug_uBoot_USB_Commands|U-Boot USB Commands]]
** [[GuruPlug_Libertas_SD8688|Enabling Libertas SD8688 802.11g WiFi]]
** [[Updating_the_kernel_on_the_GuruPlug|Updating the Kernel on the GuruPlug]]
** [[Updating_the_kernel_on_the_GuruPlug|Updating the Kernel on the GuruPlug]]
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** [[Seagate_FreeAgent_GoFlex_Home_Console_Port|Console Port]]  
** [[Seagate_FreeAgent_GoFlex_Home_Console_Port|Console Port]]  
** [[Seagate_FreeAgent_GoFlex_Home_Firmare_Recovery|Firmware Recovery Mechanism]]
** [[Seagate_FreeAgent_GoFlex_Home_Firmare_Recovery|Firmware Recovery Mechanism]]
** [[Seagate_FreeAgent_GoFlex_Home_Building_Kernel|Building the GoFlex Home Kernel]]
** [[Seagate_GoFlexHome_Upgrading_uBoot|Upgrading U-Boot with Device Tree Support for the Seagate GoFlex Home]]
** [[Seagate_FreeAgent_GoFlex_Home_Building_RootFS|Creating UBIFS Root FileSystem]]
** [[Seagate_FreeAgent_GoFlex_Home_Building_Kernel|Building the Linux Kernel with Device Tree Support for the GoFlex Home]]
** [[Seagate_FreeAgent_GoFlex_Home_Building_RootFS|Creating UBIFS Root FileSystem for the Seagate GoFlex Home]]
** [[Seagate_FreeAgent_GoFlex_Home_MTDTests_Toshiba_TC58NVG1S3ETA00|MTD Tests on the Toshiba TC58NVG1S3ETA00 256Mbyte NAND]]
** [[Seagate_FreeAgent_GoFlex_Home_MTDTests_Toshiba_TC58NVG1S3ETA00|MTD Tests on the Toshiba TC58NVG1S3ETA00 256Mbyte NAND]]
* BeagleBone Black
* BeagleBone Black
** [[BeagleBoneBlack_Upgrading_uBoot|Upgrading U-Boot for the BeagleBone Black]]
** [[BeagleBoneBlack_Building_Kernel|Building the BeagleBone Black Kernel]]  
** [[BeagleBoneBlack_Building_Kernel|Building the BeagleBone Black Kernel]]  
** [[BeagleBoneBlack_Default_uBoot_Environment_Variables|BeagleBone Black Default uBoot Environment Variables]]
** [[BeagleBoneBlack_Default_uBoot_Environment_Variables|BeagleBone Black Default uBoot Environment Variables]]
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** [http://elinux.org/BeagleBone_and_the_3.8_Kernel Beaglebone and the 3.8 Kernel - Device Tree (DT)]
** [http://elinux.org/BeagleBone_and_the_3.8_Kernel Beaglebone and the 3.8 Kernel - Device Tree (DT)]
** [[BeagleBoneBlack_IEEE802154_Microchip_MRF24J40| Using the Microchip IEEE 802.15.4 Radio on the BeagleBone Black]]
** [[BeagleBoneBlack_IEEE802154_Microchip_MRF24J40| Using the Microchip IEEE 802.15.4 Radio on the BeagleBone Black]]
** [[Updating_DTC| Updating the Device Tree Compiler]]
* Raspberry Pi
** [[Understanding_RaspberryPi_Boot_Process|Understanding the Raspberry Pi Boot Process]]
** [[RaspberryPi_RootNFS|Setting up the Raspberry Pi to boot from Root NFS]]
** [[Compiling_uBoot_RaspberryPi|Compiling U-Boot with Device Tree Support for the Raspberry Pi]]
** [[Raspberry_Pi_Building_Mainline_Kernel|Building the Linux Kernel with Device Tree Support for the Raspberry Pi]]
* ARM Userland Applications
* ARM Userland Applications
** [[Cross_Compiling_BusyBox_for_ARM|Cross Compiling BusyBox & GLIBC for ARM]]
** [[Cross_Compiling_SFTP-Server_DropBear_for_ARM|Cross Compiling SFTP-server for DropBear]]
** [[Cross_Compiling_MTD_Utils_for_ARM|Cross Compiling MTD Utilities for ARM]]
** [[Cross_Compiling_MTD_Utils_for_ARM|Cross Compiling MTD Utilities for ARM]]
** [[Cross_Compiling_SAMBA_for_ARM|Cross Compiling Samba SMB/CIFS Server for ARM]]
** [[Cross_Compiling_SAMBA_for_ARM|Cross Compiling Samba SMB/CIFS Server for ARM]]
** [[Cross_Compiling_USBIP_for_ARM|Cross Compiling USB/IP for ARM]]
** [[Cross_Compiling_USBIP_for_ARM|Cross Compiling USB/IP for ARM]]
** [[Cross_Compiling_Wide-DHCPv6_for_ARM|Cross Compiling Wide DHCPv6 for ARM]]
** [[Cross_Compiling_Wide-DHCPv6_for_ARM|Cross Compiling Wide DHCPv6 for ARM]]
** [[Cross_Compiling_ISC_dhcp_for_ARM|Cross Compiling ISC DHCP for ARM]]
** [[Cross_Compiling_BIND_for_ARM|Cross Compiling BIND for ARM]]
** [[Cross_Compiling_Radvd_for_ARM|Cross Compiling Radvd for ARM]]
** [[Cross_Compiling_Radvd_for_ARM|Cross Compiling Radvd for ARM]]
** [[Cross_Compiling_Linux-Zigbee_for_ARM|Cross Compiling Linux Zigbee for ARM]]
** [[Cross_Compiling_iptables_for_ARM|Cross Compiling IPTables for ARM]]
** [[Cross_Compiling_Linux_wpan_tools_for_ARM|Cross Compiling wpan-tools (IEEE 802.15.4) User Space Tools]]
** [[Cross_Compiling_RP-PPPOE_for_ARM|Cross Compiling RP-PPPoE for ARM]]
** [[Cross_Compiling_BlueZ_Bluetooth_tools_for_ARM|Cross Compiling BlueZ Bluetooth Tools for ARM]]
** [[Cross_Compiling_Asterisk_IPPBX_for_ARM|Cross Compiling Asterisk for ARM]]
** [[Cross_Compiling_iw_wpa_supplicant_hostapd_rfkill_for_ARM|Cross Compiling iw, wpa_supplicant, hostapd and rfkill for ARM]]

Latest revision as of 09:47, 4 July 2018

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